FAQ >Software >QRacing for LT-Q6000
Q1 How can I upload the Start/Finish line into LT-Q6000?
A1 In QRacing > Beacon section, create the Start/Finish point for your track. Click on Export Beacon at the bottom right corner and choose “Export beacons to Q6000”. Make sure to turn off your LT-Q6000 and connect with your computer.
Q2 How can I modify LT-Q6000’s setting through QRacing?
A2 QRacing only support downloading data from LT-Q6000 for analyze. It could not modify LT-Q6000’s setting.
Q3 Is QRacing compatible with other device?
A3 QRacing is only compatible with model LT-Q6000 and Q1000eX.
Q4 How can I print my Lap analysis data?
A4 You can click on the right bottom corner Export Lap info > Save as html or in Tool > Screen capture—color inverse to print your lap data.
Q5 Will Reset device delete all my data or any setting?
A5 Reset Device will delete all the data in Circuit, Drag and GPS logger mode, but the setting and track’s beacons won’t be deleted.